Soil Boring Log Excel Template
The boring log is the basic record of almost every geotechnical exploration and provides a detailed record of the work
performed and the hndings of the investigation. The field log should be written or printed legibly and should be kept as
clean as is practical. All appropriate portions of the logs should be completed in the held prior to completion of the
field explorations
A wide variety of drilling forms are used by various agencies The specific forms to be used for a given type of boring
will depend on local practice. Typical boring log, core boring log and test pit log forms endorsed by the ASCE Soil
Mechanics Si Foundations Engineering Committee.
The boring log is the basic record of almost every geotechnical exploration and provides a detailed record of the work
performed and the hndings of the investigation. The field log should be written or printed legibly and should be kept as
clean as is practical. All appropriate portions of the logs should be completed in the held prior to completion of the
field explorations
A wide variety of drilling forms are used by various agencies The specific forms to be used for a given type of boring
will depend on local practice. Typical boring log, core boring log and test pit log forms endorsed by the ASCE Soil
Mechanics Si Foundations Engineering Committee.