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Password Recovery Kit Professional 12

Password Recovery Programs

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    البرنامج من تقدمة اخونا الكريم منصور69 بارك الله به ومشكورا على الهدية

    اول برنامج مجرب ومضمون لكسر وفتح الملفات المحمية بباسورد بكل انواعها

    Password Password Recovery Kit Professional 12.3.6332

    قمت بعمل التجربة على ملف PDF محمي بكلمة مرور تتكون من باسورد ( 8 ) خانات وتمت العملية بنجاح خلال 27 دقيقة وذلك باستخدام عملية التخمين لاكثر من 600 مليون كلمة سر خلال اقل من نصف ساعة

    طبعا طول مدة او وقت عمل البرنامج تعتمد على صعوبة الباسورد وتعقيدها وعدد الخانات فمثلا عندما تكون الباسورد اكثر من 12 حرف ورقم ورمز ستكون العملية اصعب وربما تأخذ عدة أيام لكن عندما يكون الملف مهم جدا سيكون ذلك مقبولا

    صورة البرنامج

    وتم تفعيل البرنامج بنجاح بواسطة السريال

    وهذه صورة تقرير نتيجة فك الباسورد عن احد الملفات

    وهذه الملفات التي يمكن للبرنامج التعامل معها وكسر باسورداتها 180 نوع ( تقريبا جميع انواع الملفات المعروفة )

    Office, Excel, Word, Windows XP/2000/NT, Access, Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange, WinZip PKZip ZIP , WinRAR RAR, VBA Visual Basic modules, Internet Explorer / EFS - Encrypted File System, FileMaker / Acrobat, Quicken, QuickBooks, Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Notes, Lotus, Organizer, Lotus WordPro, Quattro Pro, Backup, Project, MYOB, Peachtree, Paradox, ACT!, Mail, Schedule +, Money, WordPerfect and MS Office 2007 as well as identifying key Windows XP/2000/NT/7.


    [Software INFO:]


    Passware Password Recovery Kit Professional 12.3.6332-- 31.0 MB

    Passware Kit - a set of tools for the selection or definition of passwords to the files (over 100 species), created the most famous in the world of software: Office, Excel, Word, Windows XP/2000/NT, Access, Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange, WinZip PKZip ZIP , WinRAR RAR, VBA Visual Basic modules, Internet Explorer / EFS - Encrypted File System, FileMaker / Acrobat, Quicken, QuickBooks, Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Notes, Lotus, Organizer, Lotus WordPro, Quattro Pro, Backup, Project, MYOB, Peachtree, Paradox, ACT!, Mail, Schedule +, Money, WordPerfect and MS Office 2007 as well as identifying key Windows XP/2000/NT/7.


    Specify the priority of the program in relation to other applications Windows, so that its work is not slowed down the operating system and in the background.

    Next neobhodimo type of event so-called attack: a dictionary, frontal attack, frontal attack Optimization, special attacks using the available files. Slovaryu attack is the fastest, as the keys are taken from the audited yazykovogo ordinary dictionary. Brute based on the exhaustive search of all possible combinations of characters from a specified set. Optimized frontal attack is the previous version with one exception: in the brute dropped obviously impossible kombinatsii characters - if we start from their combinations in human language. The last method to decrypt Passware Kit predpolagaet multiple unencrypted files from encrypted archive and is also quite fast.

    Problema forgotten paroley rises dostatochno ostro, osobenno if encrypted data is urgently needed, but unfortunately, you can not even remember the word, you need to decode them. It should be noted that the algorithms used to encrypt a normal commercial prilozheniyah kriptoustoychivy Windows too. This means that for a sufficiently powerful computer and there is a certain time period of almost any encrypted file can be rasshifrovan, especially given the fact that user passwords are pravilo are relatively uncomplicated.


    - All-in-one password recovery for 180 + file types

    - Comprehensive Performance Analyzer passwords and encryption

    - Reset the password for the Windows local and domain administrators, including Windows 7

    - Key recovery encryption hard drives are protected by BitLocker New!

    - Explanation TrueCrypt volumes New!

    - Supports Distributed Password Recovery New!

    - Instant online transcript of Word / Excel files 8 credits

    - Recovers passwords for archives PGP, virtual disks, files, keys New!

    - Support for multi-core processors to speed up the password recovery process

    - Effective use of multi-core and NVIDIA graphics processors to accelerate password recovery up to 45 times

    - Using Tableau TACC hardware accelerators to speed up the password recovery up to 25 times

    - TACC acceleration for MS Office files, Zip and RAR archives, PGP New!

    - Basic password recovery attacks: Dictionary, Xieve, Brute-force, Known Password / Part, Previous --- Passwords

    - Wizard for easy setup of password recovery attacks




    Step 1: unpack rar archive

    Step 2: run the setup

    Step 3: Use the given serial key to activate

    Step 4: Enjoy and Support Developers, Buy It, They Deserved It!

    السريال مرفق مع البرنامج


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