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ElcomSoft Password Recovery Bundle 2013 AIO

Password Recovery Programs

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    تجميعة برامج مفيد جدا تنفع بحالة حملت ملف من الانترنت او نسيت كلمة السر لاي برنامج او ملف من عدة انواع لمعظم البرامج

    ElcomSoft Password Recovery Bundle 2013 AIO

    استعادة كلمة السر لمعظم البرامج. - الحل الكامل الذي يسمح لك للوصول إلى الملفات المشفرة وموارد النظام. يتضمن المنتج مجموعة كاملة من البرامج لمعظم البرامج التي تستخدم كلمات السر. ويمكن استعادة كلمة المرور للوصول إلى الوثائق والموارد المشفرة واستبدال كلمة السر، . وتستند المنتجات لمعظم البرامج على أحدث التطورات العلمية وكيفية استعادة الكلمات السرية من التعليمات البرمجية الخاصة بهم، وكذلك من حيث الجودة العالية .

    سرعة كبيرة في اختيار كلمات المرور للعديد من المنتجات، بما في ذلك حسابات مستخدمي ويندوز، وتطبيقات مايكروسوفت أوفيس، وملفات Adobe PDF وملفات ZIP RAR و. في معظم الحالات، يمكن استعادة كلمة المرور فورا أو في غضون فترة قصيرة من الزمن.

    في كثير من الحالات، لمعظم البرامج. كلمة السر بالبرامج لديها حزمة استعادة وذلك يسمح لك بالتمكن من الوصول إلى الوثائق في نفس الثانية. معظم البرامج التي تستخدم تقنيات حماية كلمة السر لديهم نقاط الضعف وهي التي تمكن حساب كلمة السر الخاصة بها . وطبعا التأثير كبير على متانة الحماية المقدمة والعامل البشري. حتى إذا كان البرنامج يستخدم خوارزميات التشفير القوي فنقاط الضعف لديه موجودة حتما - وغالبا ستتم استعادة كلمة مرور قصيرة في غضون ثوان قليلة.

    وتحتوي التجميعة على البرامج التالية
    Advanced_Archive_Password_Recovery_Profe ssional_4.54.48
    Advanced_EFS_Data_Recovery_Professional_ 4.43.43
    Advanced_Instant_Messengers_Password_Rec overy_4.40.417
    Advanced_Mailbox_Password_Recovery_1.09. 239
    Advanced_Office_Password_Breaker_Enterpr ise_3.02.579
    Advanced_Office_Password_Recovery_Profes sional_5.50.477
    Advanced_PDF_Password_Recovery_Enterpris e_5.04.48.18
    Advanced_PDF_Password_Recovery_Professio nal_5.05.97
    Advanced_WordPerfect_Office_Password_Rec overy_1.35
    Elcomsoft_Blackberry_Backup_Explorer_Pro fessional_10.02.13
    ElcomSoft_Distributed_Password_Recovery_ 2.98.313
    Elcomsoft_Forensic_Disk_Decryptor_1.00.1 31
    Elcomsoft_Internet_Password_Breaker_2.01 .308
    Elcomsoft_Phone_Password_Breaker_Profess ional_1.92.1445
    ElcomSoft_System_Recovery_Professional_3 .0.0.466
    Elcomsoft_Wireless_Security_Auditor_Prof essional_5.02.272
    Elcomsoft_Wireless_Security_Auditor_Stan dart_5.05.282
    Proactive_System_Password_Recovery_6.51. 267

    Advanced_Outlook_Express_Password_Recove ry_1.20
    Advanced_QuickBooks_Password_Recovery_1. 07


    Beale wordlist
    Big Dictionary
    Unabridged dictionary
    Big English Dictionary
    Large Russian dictionary

    يدعم هذه الانظمة
    Windows 7/8 (32 bit), Windows 7/8 (64 bit), Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows Vista (32 bit), Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows XP

    Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle - a complete solution that allows you to access the encrypted files and system resources. The product includes a full set of programs Elcomsoft. Access to the encrypted documents and resources can be restored with the help of relief, replacement, or a selection of quick recovery of the original password. ElcomSoft products are based on the latest scientific developments and how to claim the championship in their code, and in terms of price and quality.

    Opportunities Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle

    ## Certified Product certificates: Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Intel Software Partner, NVIDIA Developer Support

    ## Compatibility: Support for multiple file formats, documents and records

    Acceleration busting on graphics coprocessors: the speed of brute force and encryption keys increases 50 times or more when using NVIDIA graphics cards

    Faster sorting using multiprocessor and multicore systems

    Recovery of passwords using distributed computing

    Most of the passwords to documents recovered instantly using unique algorithms

    All programs have a user-friendly graphical interface

    Scientific development
    Science and Technology Department of ElcomSoft provides a modern level of technology in the field of access recovery. The research activities of the company will significantly speed up the selection of passwords to many products, including user accounts Windows, applications Microsoft Office, files Adobe PDF, ZIP files and RAR. In most cases, the password can be restored immediately or within a short period of time.

    To recover the original passwords to documents with strong protection ElcomSoft invented the technology accelerated guess passwords on the cards NVIDIA. The use of graphics co-processors (GPU) has reduced the time required for the selection of more than 50 times.

    50-fold acceleration
    Speed ​​up the process of regaining access to more than 50 times is to install a computer graphics card ordinary household NVIDIA. Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle supports accelerators NVIDIA GeForce series 8, 9 and 200. The second card will increase the speed of password guessing even more money at the lowest cost.

    Instant recovery of access
    In many cases, Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle allows you to restore access to secure documents in the same second. Most programs that use password protection technologies have vulnerabilities that can calculate your password. Such vulnerabilities are equally susceptible to the old software and the latest solutions from major software vendors. Great influence on the durability of protection provided and the human factor. Even if the software uses strong cryptographic algorithms and has vulnerabilities - a short password will be restored within a few seconds.

    Set Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle includes products to restore access to more than 100 file formats, system resources and applications.

    The optimal price-performance ratio
    Set Elcomsoft Password Recovery Bundle includes vsebya all products of the company ElcomSoft to restore access to a variety of resources. The company ElcomSoft provides corporate and government customers an opportunity to save by ordering the whole set of products instead of buying each of them individually. Even greater savings can be achieved by ordering a license package. If you decline the use of competing products may receive discounts (for discounts please contact sales.) The price package includes one year of free technical support and a year of free updates.

    Dictionary of Russian words, typed in the Latin case

    Supported operating systems: Windows 7/8 (32 bit), Windows 7/8 (64 bit), Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows Vista (32 bit), Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows XP

    Language: Multilingual
    Home Page:

    ElcomSoft Password Recovery Bundle 2013 AIO -- 460 MB

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