Excel Sheet to Design Basement Wall

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    Excel Sheet to Design Basement Wall

    This Excel sheet to design Concrete Basement Wall details strength design (durability and other considerations not
    included) for a new buried concrete basement wall in a single-story masonry building.
    The example follows the provisions of ACI 31 8-I I, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. Throughout the
    example, discussion of the “in practice" decisions/situations the designer may encounter are included. Additionally, at
    the conclusion of the problem some "what-ifs" are evaluated.

    ACI Committee E702, "Designing Concrete Structures Committee," is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure.
    Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design.
    The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents.
    These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member
    design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or

    Excel Sheet to Design Basement Wall
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