Light Gage Truss Design Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P

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    Light Gage Truss Design Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P

    The most complex component designed in light gauge framed residential structures are Roof trusses.
    ln the design of light gauge cold formed metal trusses, the designer is meant to adhere to the requirements of Loading
    standards and steel design standards
    Designers need to ensure that all the loads and load combinations stipulated in NASH Standard Residential and Low-
    rise Steel Framing Part l Design Crieteria and AS 4055 are checked and that the support, restraint conditions are
    accurately considered inthe analysisvarious loads, load combinations, wind pressure coefficients, restraint and
    support conditions will be discussed in this paper.

    ln the design of truss members, the requirement of AS/NZS 4600 should be strictly adhered, Effective length criteria
    for truss members is also discussed in this paper,
    This paper provides an illustrative example fo truss design using light gauge cold formed steel members.

    Light Gage Truss Design Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P
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