Moving Loads Spreadsheet

Engineering Excel Spreadsheets & Templates

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    Moving Loads Spreadsheet

    Moving Loacs Spreacsheet is an excel calculation to determine the loads in a span as a vehicle passes over it. The
    vehicle can have up to 10 axel loads making t suitable for the assessment of trains as we as wheeled veh cles_
    The end supports of the span may be fixed, free/ p nned or on rollers mal-ring this a very flexible tool for designers. The
    ca cu ation produces a shear force/ bending moment slope and deflection d agrams Each diagram includes a summary
    table showing the maximum shear force, bending moment s ope and deflection anc the posit ons where they occur.

    Us ng a scrollbar the veh cle can be dragged over the span and the cragrams instantaneous y update. This interactive
    feature of the spreadsheet makes it very easy to understanc the calculation, A second scrollbar can be used to
    nterrogate the shear force, bending moment slope and ceflect on at any point along the span
    Calculation Reference
    Structural Analysis

    Attached Files