السلام عليكم
Laplink PCmover Professional 11.0.1004 Multilingual
برنامج نقل صورة النظام من كمبيوتر قديم الى الجديد بكامل برامجه او الهاردسك من كمبيوتر الى كمبيوتر اخر مهما كان فارق قطع الهاردوير وبدون أي مشاكل
PCmover Professional is the ONLY software that automatically moves or restores all selected files, settings, user profiles, and even programs from an old PC to a new one, or old operating system to a new one. And because most transferred applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find old CDs, previously downloaded programs, serial numbers or license codes
Laplink PCmover Professional 11.0.1004 Multilingual
برنامج نقل صورة النظام من كمبيوتر قديم الى الجديد بكامل برامجه او الهاردسك من كمبيوتر الى كمبيوتر اخر مهما كان فارق قطع الهاردوير وبدون أي مشاكل
PCmover Professional is the ONLY software that automatically moves or restores all selected files, settings, user profiles, and even programs from an old PC to a new one, or old operating system to a new one. And because most transferred applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find old CDs, previously downloaded programs, serial numbers or license codes