[Lingvo] Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9 ( ENG <-> ENG ) [2016. LSD, DSL.rar]
Year of release 2016
System requirements: The presence of the installed ABBYY Lingvo
Dictionary description: One of the best explanatory dictionaries of the English language for students (advanced level).
Number of headers / cards: 71268/67307
Last update for Lingvo: April 2016 (version 1.1)
Main characteristics:
- Each word is voiced by British and American speakers (more than 152,000 audio files). - For each word phonetic transcription is given. Specified British and American pronunciation. - For each word given all grammatical forms. - For many words are detailed articles thesaurus. - A large number of examples are attached to the dictionary (example bank). - For complex concepts, illustrations are provided. - The division of words into syllables, as well as stress in complex words and phrases. - Provides information about the origin of words.
The folder contains a compiled version of the dictionary (in the lsd_x6 folder for Lingvo x6) and the sources of the dictionary with pictures and audio files of pronunciation (in the dsl folder)
Install the compiled version. The compiled version can be connected to Lingvo version x6. In Lingvo, select the menu item "Tools" -> "Add dictionary from file" and specify the file "En-En_Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary_ 9.lsd" from the lsd_x6 folder.
To correctly display the phonetic transcription and some characters in the dictionary entries, you need to set a Unicode font in the Lingvo parameters (for example, 'Arial Unicode MS') for text cards.
Installation from source. Unpack the contents of the archives "en-en_OALD9_dsl.rar" (textual sources of the dictionary), "en-en_OALD9_Pics" (images), "en-en_OALD9_Sounds" (voice acting) into one directory. Launch the "ABBYY DSL Compiler" included in Lingvo, specify the file "en-en_OALD9.dsl" from the selected directory and set the compilation parameters:
Source encoding: Unicode
Automatically add markup for search: yes
Further see "Installing the compiled version".
ملاحظة هامة: التعليمات الواردة أعلاه مهمة جدا لطريقة التنصيب أوالتشغيل فتأكد من فهمها جيدا قبل التحميل من فضلك حفاظا على جهدك و وقتك.