برنامج PowerPoint Converter لتحويل مقدمات وعروض البور بوينت الى فلاش Presentation to Flash / PowerPoint to Flash
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PresentationPro PowerCONVERTER v4.0.336

PowerCONVERTER was created to make the process of
distributing PowerPoint presentations faster and easier.
It’s a PowerPoint plug-in that quickly converts your
presentations to the Macromedia Flash format. The converted
Flash file is smaller, secure, and in a streaming media
format that’s ideal for posting presentations to websites,
intranets or for creating self-running CD-ROMs. And with
our EmailPRESENTER and OnlinePRESENTER products, you can
take that same converted presentation and imbed it in
emails and remotely present it via a web conference.
That means your big bulky PowerPoint can now stream around
the internet much faster. It also means that anybody that
can create a PowerPoint file--is now a Flash author.
Key Features:
Reduces File Size – Dramatically reduces the file size of
PowerPoint up to 97% by converting it into the universal
Flash format.
Secure – Converted file is secure from viruses and cannot
be altered or copied.
Easy Viewing - Once converted to Flash, the presentation
can be easily viewed in any Internet browser. Over 98% of
all browsers have Flash, your viewers will not be required
to download or install any special software.
Streaming - Flash files use streaming technology enabling
your viewers to start quickly
viewing your presentation without waiting for the entire
presentation to load and play. Viewers can click through
the presentation without experiencing long load time or lag
time between slides.
Save as .SWF - The PowerCONVERTER saves your presentation
in a streaming flash format for web site posting for fast
streaming viewing.
Save as .EXE - Save your presentation as a self-contained
.EXE file. The .EXE format includes the converted
presentation and the Flash viewer so that your recipients
will not need PowerPoint or any other software to view your
presentation. You can now easily and freely distribute your
smaller, converted PowerPoint on self-running CD-ROM
Additional Features: One-to-one conversion - Converted
files retain nearly all of the original features of your
PowerPoint :
Graphic animations
Slide transitions
Screen builds
Text animations
Auto-play of presentation
Hyperlinks(internal and external)
Audio linked files, embedded narration, and background
XP animations supported Click here
MP3 Audio - The PowerCONVERTER’s powerful built in MP3
conversion enables you to dramatically reduce the size of
your sound files for fast and effective delivery of
multimedia on the web or via CD-ROM
Slide Navigation - User customizable navigation and slide
counter enables you to guide the audience through your
Plug-in - The PowerCONVERTER is accessible within
PowerPoint as a button on your toolbar that allows for
quick, easy presentation conversion.
Unlimited Conversions – There is no limit to the number of
presentations that can be converted with the
Free upgrades - You will be automatically notified and
receive them free of charge.
Easy to Use: The process to convert your PowerPoint
presentations to flash in seconds is extremely simple...
Open your PowerPoint presentation
Click on the PowerCONVERTER button
Preview your converted Flash file
Save as .EXE for CD-Rom or .SWF for website publishing
distributing PowerPoint presentations faster and easier.
It’s a PowerPoint plug-in that quickly converts your
presentations to the Macromedia Flash format. The converted
Flash file is smaller, secure, and in a streaming media
format that’s ideal for posting presentations to websites,
intranets or for creating self-running CD-ROMs. And with
our EmailPRESENTER and OnlinePRESENTER products, you can
take that same converted presentation and imbed it in
emails and remotely present it via a web conference.
That means your big bulky PowerPoint can now stream around
the internet much faster. It also means that anybody that
can create a PowerPoint file--is now a Flash author.
Key Features:
Reduces File Size – Dramatically reduces the file size of
PowerPoint up to 97% by converting it into the universal
Flash format.
Secure – Converted file is secure from viruses and cannot
be altered or copied.
Easy Viewing - Once converted to Flash, the presentation
can be easily viewed in any Internet browser. Over 98% of
all browsers have Flash, your viewers will not be required
to download or install any special software.
Streaming - Flash files use streaming technology enabling
your viewers to start quickly
viewing your presentation without waiting for the entire
presentation to load and play. Viewers can click through
the presentation without experiencing long load time or lag
time between slides.
Save as .SWF - The PowerCONVERTER saves your presentation
in a streaming flash format for web site posting for fast
streaming viewing.
Save as .EXE - Save your presentation as a self-contained
.EXE file. The .EXE format includes the converted
presentation and the Flash viewer so that your recipients
will not need PowerPoint or any other software to view your
presentation. You can now easily and freely distribute your
smaller, converted PowerPoint on self-running CD-ROM
Additional Features: One-to-one conversion - Converted
files retain nearly all of the original features of your
PowerPoint :
Graphic animations
Slide transitions
Screen builds
Text animations
Auto-play of presentation
Hyperlinks(internal and external)
Audio linked files, embedded narration, and background
XP animations supported Click here
MP3 Audio - The PowerCONVERTER’s powerful built in MP3
conversion enables you to dramatically reduce the size of
your sound files for fast and effective delivery of
multimedia on the web or via CD-ROM
Slide Navigation - User customizable navigation and slide
counter enables you to guide the audience through your
Plug-in - The PowerCONVERTER is accessible within
PowerPoint as a button on your toolbar that allows for
quick, easy presentation conversion.
Unlimited Conversions – There is no limit to the number of
presentations that can be converted with the
Free upgrades - You will be automatically notified and
receive them free of charge.
Easy to Use: The process to convert your PowerPoint
presentations to flash in seconds is extremely simple...
Open your PowerPoint presentation
Click on the PowerCONVERTER button
Preview your converted Flash file
Save as .EXE for CD-Rom or .SWF for website publishing
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