7-PDF Website Converter v1

OCR, Scan, Edit, Convert PDF, PowerPoint, XLS and DOC

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    السلام عليكم

    برنامج رائع رائع جدااااا

    فقط انسخ عنوان اي صفحة انترنت والصق الرابط بالمكان المخصص ويقوم البرنامج بتحويل الصفحة الى كتاب PDF بغاية السهولة

    بالاضافة الى امكانية تحديد مقاس الصفحة المطلوبة بالكتاب A4 او اي مقاس تختاره كالفوتوشوب وبرامج الطباعة وميزات اخرى


    7-PDF Website Converter v1

    الشكل الصحيح للاسم

    كود PHP:

    7-PDF Website.Converter v1

    اكتب عنوان الموضع واضغط على زر التحويل فقط

    It is rare for PDF printers to allow you to create a

    PDF from a website without pages being `cut off' or

    the PDF not being `in one piece'; this is the case

    regardless of whether you use freeware or commercial

    PDF software.

    Fact is: Trying to print a website as a PDF via the

    print dialogue of browsers such as Firefox and

    Internet Explorer certainly has its dangers -

    invariably we end up frustrated or find ourselves

    making do' with the Web PDF which has been


    7-PDF Website Converter freeware now provides the

    solution you've been waiting for! With the help of

    this brand new PDF for Windows you can access a very

    special PDF tool that allows you to convert the

    complete layout of a website cleanly and in one


    Say goodbye to fragmented Web PDFs! What's more,

    7-PDF Website Converter offers the following handy

    advanced features':

    * Automatic generation of clickable PDF bookmarks

    (PDF hyperlinks) from web headings

    * Optional automatic creation of headers with web

    address and page numbers

    * Optional automatic creation of site indexes from

    web content

    * Cover sheet function

    * Insertion of PDF side headings

    * Automatic creation of clickable PDF links from

    website links and navigation aids

    * Book printing option (eBook mode)

    * ... and much, much more!

    حجم البرنامج 2MB



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