Batchwork Batch HTM To MHT Converter 2012

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    السلام عليكم

    برنامج تحويل صفحات الانترنت او الصفحات المحفوظة من الانترنت من القائمة File ثم Save

    يقوم البرنامج بالتحويل بين الصيغتين HTM الى MHT والعكس

    وهذه الصورة توضح المقصود من عمل البرنامج

    HTM To MHT Converter

    Batchwork Batch HTM To MHT Converter 2012.4.1102.1985 -- 1 Mb

    Batch HTM TO MHT Converter is HTM to MHT, HTML to MHTML/MIME-HTML Batch Converter for MIME HTML Web archiver. It can convert HTM to MHT, HTML to MHTML/MIME-HTML automatically. Batch HTM TO MHT Converter supports powerful search for a lot of files. Batch HTM TO MHT Converter supports project and command line. Batch HTM TO MHT Converter has a friendly GUI so it is used very easily. Batch HTM TO MHT Converter Drag and Explorer Context supported. Batch HTM TO MHT Converter supports a efficient Multi-Thread conversion engine. So you could control the conversion action very easily. You can stop or pause and continue it in any time. You can save your conversion work in a project file (.batch-htm2mht) for re-use. You can run the batch-htm2mht project in Microsoft Windows Explorer or command line directly.

    The main features of Batch HTML to MHT Converter:

    Convert HTM to MHT, HTML to MHTML/MIME-HTML automatically.

    Batch convert HTM to MHT with GUI that supports powerful search function.

    Supports convert an HTML file.

    Supports convert HTML files in a folder.

    Drag and context menu with Microsoft Explorer supported.

    Supports batch project and command line.

    A efficient high-speed Multi-Thread conversion engine.

    حجم البرنامج 1MB


