السلام عليكم
برنامج تحويل صور JPEG الى PDF
البرنامج محصور العمل بتحويل الصورة الى PDF فقط ولذلك حجمه صغير و خفيف على الكمبيوتر
OpooSoft JPEG To PDF Converter v6.5

JPEG To PDF Converter is a perfect convert tool designed to convert JPEG into PDF files, which can helps you convert your photos, drawings, scanned and faxed images into Acrobat PDF documents.
JPEG To PDF Converter provides powerful functions and Settings include set the page size, orientation, margin and layout of the output PDF document; as well as change its properties, security setting, watermarking, bookmark, and viewer options. The interface of JPEG To PDF Converter has been designed to be user-friendly and can be easily operated by anyone. All a user needs to do is click on the menu and all the options of the program are available to you. All conversions can be done easily and smoothly.
حجم البرنامج 1.5MB
برنامج تحويل صور JPEG الى PDF
البرنامج محصور العمل بتحويل الصورة الى PDF فقط ولذلك حجمه صغير و خفيف على الكمبيوتر
OpooSoft JPEG To PDF Converter v6.5

JPEG To PDF Converter is a perfect convert tool designed to convert JPEG into PDF files, which can helps you convert your photos, drawings, scanned and faxed images into Acrobat PDF documents.
JPEG To PDF Converter provides powerful functions and Settings include set the page size, orientation, margin and layout of the output PDF document; as well as change its properties, security setting, watermarking, bookmark, and viewer options. The interface of JPEG To PDF Converter has been designed to be user-friendly and can be easily operated by anyone. All a user needs to do is click on the menu and all the options of the program are available to you. All conversions can be done easily and smoothly.
حجم البرنامج 1.5MB