برنامج تحويل نسق الكتب الالكترونية الى اي نوع اخر مثل هذه الصيغ
docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, rtf, ppt, pptx, pptm, txt, htm, pdf, jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, tif,png, emf , WMF, iCO, JP2, J2K, PCX, RLE, tga, swf video
اسم البرنامج
Okdo PDF To All Converter Pro v4

Okdo Pdf to All Converter Professional is the most powerful PDF converter andprofessionals to other file formats. You can convert pdf files to many file format likedoc, docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, rtf, ppt, pptx, pptm, txt, htm, pdf, jpeg, jpg, bmp, gif, tif,png, emf , WMF, iCO, JP2, J2K, PCX, RLE, tga, swf video etc. is very easy to operate.
All you simply do is to add the converted files to the list then click "Convert" button isOK. The quality is super good and the speed is super fast. You will like when you use it. It can preserve original layout, images, text, vector drawings of your pdf file.
حجم البرنامج 18MB