السلام عليكم
برنامج تحويل المستندات التي يتم سحبها من السكانر الى ملفات قابلة للبحث والتعديل
Lucion FileConvert Pro Plus

FileConvert turns documents into searchable PDF files … in bulk. Whether your files are coming from a network scanner or sitting in existing folders, FileConvert automates the workflow of turning scans and images into searchable PDFs so you can find documents when you need them. Get started today with your free trial and accomplish more. Discover the OCR work horse that will make you the office hero. FileConvert: just set it and forget it
برنامج تحويل المستندات التي يتم سحبها من السكانر الى ملفات قابلة للبحث والتعديل
Lucion FileConvert Pro Plus

FileConvert turns documents into searchable PDF files … in bulk. Whether your files are coming from a network scanner or sitting in existing folders, FileConvert automates the workflow of turning scans and images into searchable PDFs so you can find documents when you need them. Get started today with your free trial and accomplish more. Discover the OCR work horse that will make you the office hero. FileConvert: just set it and forget it