مواد للشركات FM Web Development Courses

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    Frontend Masters Web Development Courses


    In 2462 files

    Coursework Icons

    Coursework Description:

    58 topics with a total of 2,462 lectures on Website development

    Complete front-end training, allowing the expertize of building quality web interfaces.

    You don't want to learn from teachers who just spoon feed you their google results -- you want to learn from the masters! Here, you get experts as teachers -- people who are actively shaping the industry. Join thousands of front-end professionals and master JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3 and UI frameworks.

    This course work covers the folowing topics:

    Advanced JavaScript

    Advanced JS Fundamentals to jQuery & Pure DOM Scripting

    Advanced SVG Animation

    Angular 1.x Essentials

    AngularJS 1.x Application Development

    API Design in Node.js (using Express & Mongo)

    Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript (with Rx.js Observables)

    Backbone.js (with Introduction to Testing)

    Build Web Apps with Angular 2

    Building Web Apps (with React, Ampersand, ES6 and Webpack)

    Choosing a JavaScript Framework

    Coercion in JavaScript

    Complete Intro to React v2 (feat. Router v4 and Redux)

    Complete Introduction to React (feat. Redux and React Router)

    Component-Based Architecture in AngularJS 1.x and ES6

    Creating an Open Source JavaScript Library

    CSS3 In-Depth


    Ember 2.x

    ES6- The Right Parts

    Four Semesters of Computer Science in 5 Hours

    Front-End Tooling and Workflows with Grunt and Beyond

    Functional-Lite JavaScript

    Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript

    HTML5 Media- Audio, Video & WebRTC

    Interactive Data Visualization with D3.js

    Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3

    Introduction to JavaScript and jQuery

    Introduction to JavaScript Programming

    Introduction to Web Development

    JavaScript the Good Parts

    JavaScript- From Fundamentals to Functional JS

    jQuery Plugins and jQuery UI

    JS.Next- ES6 - ES2015

    Lean Front-End Engineering

    Learning jQuery

    Mastering Chrome Developer Tools


    Motion Design with CSS

    Organizing JavaScript Functionality

    React Native (feat. Redux)

    React.js (with Introduction to Flux Architecture)

    Reactive Angular 2 with ngrx

    Real-Time Web with Node.js

    Responsive HTML Email Design

    Responsive Typography

    Responsive Web Design

    Rethinking Asynchronous JavaScript

    Scalable Modular Architecture for CSS (SMACSS)

    The Good Parts of JavaScript and the Web

    The Psychology of Code Testability

    UI Prototyping with Framer.js

    Unit Testing JavaScript (with CoffeeScript)

    Web UI Architecture

    Webpack 2 Deep Dive

    Website Accessibility

    Website Performance

    Zero to Production Node.js on Amazon Web Services


    Language: (English)

    Videos: 1920x1080 - MP4 format

    Audio: 189kb/s - 2chan Stereo - rate 48kHz

    ملف تورنت في المرفقات

    إن شاء الله أحاول أضيف روابط مباشرة بعد التحميل والرفع أو تحويل روابط للتورنت

    أول ملف حولته لرابط مباشر كورس

    API Design in Node.js (using Express & Mongo)

    الحجم 9.7 قيقا



    ثاني كورس تم تحويله

    Advanced JavaScript

    الحجم 6.3 قيقا



    ثالث كورس تم تحويله

    Advanced JS Fundamentals to jQuery & Pure DOM Scripting

    الحجم 8.4 قيقا


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