BUNDLES After Effects Launchpad

English Tutorials and Courses

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    Learn everything you need to get started with Adobe After Effects in our extensive bundle of video courses.

    Across 6 courses with 14 hours of video, you'll learn everything from the basics of After Effects, through to expert masking and advanced text treatments.

    You'll also learn how to get creative and start adding animations to take your videos to the next level.

    Finally, you'll discover how you can start making money using After Effects!

    So if you're serious about learning Adobe After Effects, step up to the launchpad and get started!

    6 courses

    30 Days to Learn Adobe After Effects

    New Features in After Effects CC

    Expert Masking In After Effects

    Advanced Text Treatments in After Effects

    Smoke, Fire and Explosions in Adobe After Effects

    Making Money in After Effects


    كل كورس على حدة

    _ *_ 913.8 MB

    _*_ 1.0 GB

    _*_ 471.2 MB

    _*_ 1.1 GB

    _*_ 1.6 GB

    _*_ 1.5 GB

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