Lynda.com Python 3 Essential Training

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    Lynda.com Python 3 Essential Training

    Lynda.com – Python 3 Essential Training [ Bill Weinman ] -- Video Training -- 481 MB

    Author: Bill Weinman
    Duration: 06h 36m
    Released on: 7/29/2010
    Exercise files: Yes
    Software works on: Mac and Windows

    01 Introduction
    0101 Welcome
    0102 Understanding prerequisites for Python
    0103 Using the exercise files

    02 Python Quick Start
    0201 Getting started with Hello World
    0202 Selecting code with conditionals
    0203 Repeating code with a loop
    0204 Reusing code with a function
    0205 Creating sequences with generator functions
    0206 Reusing code and data with a class
    0207 Greater reusability with inheritance and polymorphism
    0208 Handling errors with exceptions

    03 Setting Up Python
    0301 Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Mac
    0302 Installing Python 3 and Eclipse for Windows

    04 General Syntax
    0401 Creating a main script
    0402 Understanding whitespace in Python
    0403 Commenting code
    0404 Assigning values
    0405 Selecting code and values with conditionals
    0406 Creating and using functions
    0407 Creating and using objects

    05 Variables Objects and Values
    0501 Understanding variables and objects in Python
    0502 Distinguishing mutable and immutable objects
    0503 Using numbers
    0504 Using strings
    0505 Aggregating values with lists and tuples
    0506 Creating associative lists with dictionaries
    0507 Finding the type and identity of a variable
    0508 Specifying logical values with True and False

    06 Conditionals
    0601 Selecting code with if and else conditional state ments
    0602 Setting multiple choices with elif
    0603 Understanding other strategies for multiple choices
    0604 Using the conditional expression

    07 Loops
    0701 Creating loops with while
    0702 Iterating with for
    0703 Enumerating iterators
    0704 Controlling loop flow with break continue and else

    08 Operators
    0801 Performing simple arithmetic
    0802 Operating on bitwise values
    0803 Comparing values
    0804 Operating on Boolean values
    0805 Operating on parts of a container with the slice operator.m
    0806 Understanding operator precedence

    09 Regular Expressions
    0901 Using the re module
    0902 Searching with regular expressions
    0903 Replacing with regular expressions
    0904 Reusing regular expressions with re.compile

    10 Exceptions
    1001 Learning how exceptions work
    1002 Handling exceptions
    1003 Raising exceptions

    11 Functions
    1101 Defining functions
    1102 Using lists of arguments
    1103 Using named function arguments
    1104 Returning values from functions
    1105 Creating a sequence with a generator function

    12 Classes
    1201 Understanding classes and objects
    1202 Using methods
    1203 Using object data
    1204 Understanding inheritance
    1205 Applying polymorphism to classes
    1206 Using generators
    1207 Using decorators

    13 String Methods
    1301 Understanding strings as objects
    1302 Working with common string methods
    1303 Formatting strings with str.format
    1304 Splitting and joining strings
    1305 Finding and using standard string methods

    14 Containers
    1401 Creating sequences with tuples and lists
    1402 Operating on sequences with built-in methods
    1403 Organizing data with dictionaries
    1404 Operating on character data with bytes and byte arrays

    15 File IO
    1501 Opening files
    1502 Reading and writing text files
    1503 Reading and writing binary files

    16 Databases
    1601 Creating a database with SQLite 3
    1602 Creating retrieving updating and deleting records
    1603 Creating a database object

    17 Modules
    1701 Using standard library modules
    1702 Finding third-party modules
    1703 Creating a module

    18 Debugging
    1801 Dealing with syntax errors
    1802 Dealing with runtime errors
    1803 Dealing with logical errors
    1804 Using unit tests

    19 Building a Database Application
    1901 Normalizing a database interface
    1902 Deconstructing a database application
    1903 Displaying random entries from a database

    20 Conclusion
    2001 Goodbye

    Exercise Files


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