Power Equilab
The Power-Equilab is an equity calculator. Power-Equilab allows you to improve your game by calculating your chances of winning against various opponents in different situations. This tool gives you the ability to analyse the equity against a specific hand or against a range of hands. On top of that, you can also check your equity in any given scenario, thanks to the various filters you can use.
What is equity? Basically, equity means your chance of winning a pot in a given situation. The Power-Equilab can analyse the range of hands an opponent will likely hold in a given situation, then provide you with equity figures so you can deduce the profitability of any given situation.
Whats New
- Flop filter window: NEW! Option “Display only strategic distinct flops”
- Flop filter window: Window is now resizable.
- Multiple flop equities windows: NEW! Option to select flops by flop filter.
Power Equilab -- 7.11 Mb