برنامج اعداد الاسئلة والدوال المثلثية، والمعادلات Infinite Precalculus 2.17.00

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    برنامج اعداد الاسئلة والدوال المثلثية، والمعادلات، والهويات. المعادلات البارامترية. الإحداثيات القطبية؛ ثلاثة أبعاد؛ حدود؛ و اكثر.

    أكثر من 100 من المواضيع الفردية والمهارات من الجبر 2 وإدخال التفاضل والتكامل.

    Infinite Precalculus 2.17.00

    Infinite Precalculus 2.17.00 (Win/Mac) | 44 Mb

    Infinite Precalculus covers all typical Precalculus material and more: trigonometric functions, equations, and identities; parametric equations; polar coordinates; vectors; limits; and more. Over 100 individual topics extend skills from Algebra 2 and introduce Calculus.

    Unlimited Questions
    Once you have created an assignment, you can regenerate all of its questions with a single click. The new questions will conform to the same parameters as the original questions, but they will be completely new. This feature is at the heart of our software and is what makes it so powerful: you choose the properties of the questions, not the questions themselves. When a question is replaced, you get a new one that is similar to the original question.

    Easy Spacing
    Respace the entire assignment to the desired length with one click. Easily give your students enough room to show their work by increasing the spacing. Or you can save paper by decreasing the spacing.

    Presentation Mode
    Very useful as a teaching aid when used in combination with an LCD projector or other display system. One to four questions at a time are shown on the screen.

    Use this feature while you teach. Prepare your examples with the software, and then use a projector to display the questions on the board. This saves time during planning and during the lesson, and it makes it very easy to present long questions or questions with graphs and diagrams.

    Multiple-Version Printing
    Print multiple versions of an assignment. You control how each new version is created: scramble the choices, scramble the questions, or make completely new questions. You can also save each new version after it is created.

    Scale Assignment
    Proportionally increase or decrease the number of questions in the assignment. This is very useful when planning a lesson. You can create a few questions to use as examples, and then scale up the number of question to create a homework assignment. The questions on the homework will be completely new, yet follow precisely from the lesson–and you don't need to design the questions again



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