حاسبة هندسية مع الرسوم البيانية 2D ,3D للاندرويد Newton Graphing Calculator Pro 2.7.9 APK

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  • Saadedin
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    السلام عليكم

    حاسبة هندسية مع الرسوم البيانية 2D و 3D للموبايل الاندريد APK

    Newton Graphing Calculator Pro 2.7.9 APK

    Why this app?

    We believe that calculating or drawing graph should be as intuitiveas handwriting, without overhead in user input and complex syntax.For example, normally we write "sin2x" on paper, why we have toinput "sin(2*x)" in a calculator. Wouldn't it be wonderful to justinput "sin2x" in a calculator?

    Newton Graphing Calculator draws 2D curve and 3D surface by mathinput like handwriting. With our innovative parser, math syntax isas simple as when you write it on your note. 2D or 3D graph isrecognized automatically by number of unknown variables, throughour powerful symbolic math engine. After plotting, you can findfunction root, track coordinates, pan or zoom 2D graph; drawcontour, zoom or rotate 3D graph to view from all angles seamlesslyby hand gesture.

    Newton Graphing Calculator comes with custom keyboard, highquality axis label, function legend, color picker and formattedmath formula ready for productive use. Resulting graph and mathformula can be sent by email to put into homework, shared withfriend on Facebook, Line or Google+.

    Newton Graphing Calculator features numerical calculator withstep by step solution and live preview while inputting. Lastsession input is restored upon startup.

    - Require media access permission, to store captured graph forsharing

    - Does not require internet access ― using embedded math engine

    2D GRAPH

    o- Plot explicit function e.g. y=sin2x+2cosx

    o- Plot implicit function e.g. sin(x2+y)=exp(-xy)

    o- Plot parametric function e.g. x=sin2t/(1+t2) y=cos2t/(1+t2)

    o- Plot polar function e.g. r=1+2cosθ

    o- Plot multiple functions e.g. f=3sint/(1+t2) g=2cost/(1+t2)

    o- Plot multiple parametric function

    o- Support discontinuity e.g. y=tanx

    o- Variable name can be any symbol including Greek symbol

    3D GRAPH

    o- Plot explicit function e.g. z=2sinx/(1+y2)

    o- Plot implicit function e.g. x2+y2+z2=1

    o- Plot contour curve of explicit function e.g. z=2sinx/(1+y2)

    o- Plot parametric function e.g. x=sinv cosu y=sinv sinu z=cosv

    o- Plot multiple functions e.g. f=cosu sinv g=ucosv

    o- Plot multiple parametric function

    o- Plot 3D curve x(t) y(t) z(t)

    o- Variable name can be any symbol including Greek symbol


    o- Algebra, complex number, polynomial, rational function, 2D and 3Dspace, Newton-Raphson method

    o- Scientific : pow sqrt root3 root4 abs exp log ln

    o- Trigonometric : sin cos tan cot asin acos atan acot

    o- Hyperbolic : sinh cosh tanh coth

    o- Complex number e.g. (2i+1)(3i-1) ln(3i+4)



