Request PCA-Notes On ACI318-11

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  • Eng-Ahmed Alofairi
    Thread Author
    مشرف القسم الهندسي
    • Nov 2018 
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    Looking for this if someone have please forward to me soft copy

    PCA Notes on ACI 318M-08 Building Code (Metric Version)

    OR PCA Notes on ACI 318M-11 Building Code (Metric Version)

    This tenth edition of the classic PCA publication has been updated to reflect code changes introduced in the latest version of Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI 318-08, and Commentary, ACI 318R-08. All design examples in this text have been revised to reflect the new notation and terminology, load and strength reduction factors, and the unified design provisions for reinforced and prestressed concrete members under flexure and axial load. An alternative torsion design method is summarized and its application illustrated through an example. Enhanced provisions for the design of anchors are described, and their application is illustrated through several examples.

    Each chapter of the manual starts with a description of latest code changes. Emphasis is placed on “how-to-use” the code. Numerous design examples illustrate application of the code provisions.

    The primary purpose for the PCA Notes is to assist the engineer and architect in the proper application of the ACI 318-08 design standard. This document is also a valuable aid for educators, undergraduate and graduate students, contractors, materials and product manufacturers, building code authorities, and inspectors.

    Table of Contents:

    1. General Requirements
    2. Materials, Concrete Quality
    3. Details of Reinforcement
    4. Development and Splices of Reinforcement
    5. Design Methods and Strength Requirements
    6. General Principles of Strength Design
    7. Design for Flexure and Axial Load
    8. Redistribution of Factored Maximum Moments in Continuous Flexural Members
    9. Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement
    10. Deflections
    11. Design for Slenderness Effects
    12. Shear
    13. Torsion
    14. Shear Friction
    15. Brackets, Corbels and Beam Ledges
    16. Shear in Slabs
    17. Strut-and-Tie Models
    18. Two-Way Slab Systems
    19. Two-Way Slabs – Direct Design Method
    20. Two-Way Slabs – Equivalent Frame Method
    21. Walls
    22. Footings
    23. Precast Concrete
    24. Prestressed Concrete – Flexure
    25. Prestressed Concrete – Shear
    26. Prestressed Slab Systems
    27. Shells and Folded Plate Members
    28. Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures
    29. Earthquake-Resistant Structures
    30. Structural Plain Concrete
    31. Alternate (Working Stress) Design Method
    32. Alternative Provisions for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Flexural and Compression Members
    33. Alternative Load and Strength Reduction Factors
    34. Anchorage to Concrete
    Thanks and Best Regards