nice book
try to be open minded
Space Grid Structures

This book has been long in gestation. The original stimulus
for it came about seven years ago out of my teaching
about space structures to student architects, reinforced
by my earlier doctoral research into space grid structures.
When asked by students to suggest an appropriate
text where they might encounter information about the
geometry, design parameters, detailing and construction
of space grids, I found the choice was rather limited
(although there seemed to be many more books describing
the structural behaviour and analysis of such structures).
At that time a book that I consistently recommended
was Space Grid Structures by John Borrego,
which was published in 1968 by MIT Press (and, coincidentally,
has the same title as this present volume).
However, thirty years have passed since its publication
and the technology of space grids has developed considerably
over this period. Therefore, from the outset my
intention has been to create a text of similar utility for
architects, engineers and builders who wish to understand
the basics of space grid design and construction in the late 1990s.
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try to be open minded
Space Grid Structures

This book has been long in gestation. The original stimulus
for it came about seven years ago out of my teaching
about space structures to student architects, reinforced
by my earlier doctoral research into space grid structures.
When asked by students to suggest an appropriate
text where they might encounter information about the
geometry, design parameters, detailing and construction
of space grids, I found the choice was rather limited
(although there seemed to be many more books describing
the structural behaviour and analysis of such structures).
At that time a book that I consistently recommended
was Space Grid Structures by John Borrego,
which was published in 1968 by MIT Press (and, coincidentally,
has the same title as this present volume).
However, thirty years have passed since its publication
and the technology of space grids has developed considerably
over this period. Therefore, from the outset my
intention has been to create a text of similar utility for
architects, engineers and builders who wish to understand
the basics of space grid design and construction in the late 1990s.
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