In civil engineering the principal hazards come from the
need to deal with below ground conditions, make structures out of re-assembled
soils or rocks, and to cater for the forces of impounded or flowing water. The
construction of roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, pipelines, dams, harbours,
canals and river training measures, flood and sea defences, must all be tailored
to the conditions found on site as construction proceeds because it is not possible
to foresee such conditions in every detail beforehand.* Revised and updated for the latest forms of contracts
need to deal with below ground conditions, make structures out of re-assembled
soils or rocks, and to cater for the forces of impounded or flowing water. The
construction of roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, pipelines, dams, harbours,
canals and river training measures, flood and sea defences, must all be tailored
to the conditions found on site as construction proceeds because it is not possible
to foresee such conditions in every detail beforehand.* Revised and updated for the latest forms of contracts