Design of composite highways bridges & Worked Examples

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  • Oldvb
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    • Sep 2018 
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    a nice book for the design of composite highways bridges

    Composite Highway Bridge Design – SCI P356

    Composite highway bridge design

    This publication provides guidance on the design of composite highway bridges which take the form of a reinforced concrete slab on top of steel girders. It describes two common forms of construction: one using multiple parallel girders and the other using twin main girders with regularly spaced cross girders – the so-called ladder deck form of construction. It gives general advice on initial design. Guidance is given on detailed design in accordance with the Eurocodes. The application of the principles and the rules in the relevant Parts of the Eurocodes is explained, with comprehensive references to the clauses in those Standards. The detailed design of components and connections, in terms of both strength and best practice for construction and durability is discussed. Forms of integral abutment are described and their implications on the design of the superstructure are mentioned. Non-contradictory complementary information (to be used in conjunction with Eurocode rules) for determining the slenderness of the bare steel beams during construction is given in an Appendix.

    Composite highway bridge design: Worked Examples

    This publication presents worked examples of the detailed design of two composite highway bridges. Each bridge is formed by steel girders acting compositely with a reinforced concrete deck slab. The first example is of multi-girder form, the second is of ladder-deck form. The examples cover the principal steps in the verification of the designs in accordance with the Eurocodes, as implemented by the UK National Annexes. The publication is complementary to SCI publication P356, Composite highway bridge design, which describes both forms of construction and presents general guidance and an introduction to the relevant detailed requirements of the Eurocodes.



    Composite highway bridge design: Worked Examples – SCI P357

    SCI (The Steel Construction Institute) is the leading, independent provider of technical

    expertise and disseminator of best practice to the steel construction sector. We work in partnership with clients, members and industry peers to help build businesses and provide competitive advantage through the commercial application of our knowledge. We are committed to offering and promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible solutions.


