Fundamentals of Structural Analysis Fifth Edition 2018

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    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Fundamentals of Structural Analysis Fifth Edition 2018

    Kenneth M. Leet

    Professor Emeritus, Northeastern University

    Chia-Ming Uang

    Professor, University of California, San Diego

    Joel T. Lanning

    Assistant Professor, California State University, Fullerton

    Anne M. Gilbert, PE, SECB

    Structural Engineer Consultant

    This text introduces engineering and architectural students to the basic

    techniques required for analyzing the majority of structures and the elements of which most structures are composed, including beams, frames, trusses, arches, and cables. Although the authors assume that readers have completed basic courses in statics and strength of materials, we briefly review the basic techniques from these courses the first time we mention them. To clarify the discussion, we use many carefully chosen examples to illustrate the various analytic techniques introduced, and whenever possible, we select examples confronting engineers in real-life professional practice



