برنامج رائع جدا ستحتاجه عند تغير موبايلك ويساعدك على نسخ كل محتوى موبايلك القديم للجديد بكل سهولة وبعدة ضغطات قليلة
دائما توجد بعض الصعوبات بنقل المحتوى من موبايل الى اخر وتظهر مشاكل الاسماء الطويلة ومعلومات البريد الالكتروني الملفات والرسائل ... الخ وهذا البرنامج يحل المشكلة وينقل كل شي بدون عناء وتعب
MOBILedit PhoneCopier v8.1.0
New phones are always tempting for consumers, but everyone
knows that a new phone is practically unusable upon purchase
as it is empty; no calls or text messaging can be executed
The process of transferring all current contacts into the new
phone is time-consuming and quite tedious. Importing from
Facebook or other social networks doesn t help because mobile
phone numbers are rarely available. Importing from a SIM card
is not enough as it has a very limited list of 14 character
names with a single phone number.The only place with complete
data and up-to-date phone numbers is the contact list stored
in the mobile phone s memory.It has been created by users for
years with not only phone numbers,but also addresses, photos
notes and emails. That s true value that users have entered
into their phones and no one wants to lose any of this infor
mation.Our Phone Copier is the perfect solution as it is able
to copy complete contact lists from almost any phone to any
new phone with just a few clicks