Nero DiscSpeed 11.04 Silent
Free, easy-to-use CD/DVD/Bluray benchmarking software which can test the most important features of an optical drive. These tests include: Transfer rate, Seek times, CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage, Burst rate, DAE (Digital Audio Extraction) speed/quality test & Spinup/spindown time, Overburning test, Disc quality test, Copy-protection, Status of disc, and much, much more. Tests can be run individually or in a test series. Nero DiscSpeed features a graphical demonstration of test protocols, results and import/export function. CPU usage and buffer status can be displayed in graphs as well. It can also check the media quality of an optical disc. As a multi-functional tool, Nero DiscSpeed also works for testing the speed of your CD, DVD and Bluray disc drive as well as testing and benchmarking blanks and burned discs. It can be configured to run according to your desired results. Results can be viewed either as a graph or as a text log. Nero DiscSpeed also creates special test media for data and audio. It also displays the version number of the firmware installed on drive.
باختصار شديد البرمج معد لمتابعة ومرابعة سرعة نقل البيانات أثناء الحرق ومدى صلاحيات أعمال برنامج الحرق والتوافق الكلي للحرق مع القارئ وكذا عمر القارئ نفسه
