Boundary Elements

Theory and Applications
BOUNDARY ELEMENTS: Theory and Applications
John T. Katsikadelis
Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
The last three decades have been marked by the evolution of electronic computers and an enormous and wide-spread availability of computational power. This has boosted the development of computational methods and their application in engi- neering and in the analysis and design of structures, which extend from bridges to aircrafts and from machine elements to tunnels and the human body. New scientific

Theory and Applications
BOUNDARY ELEMENTS: Theory and Applications
John T. Katsikadelis
Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
The last three decades have been marked by the evolution of electronic computers and an enormous and wide-spread availability of computational power. This has boosted the development of computational methods and their application in engi- neering and in the analysis and design of structures, which extend from bridges to aircrafts and from machine elements to tunnels and the human body. New scientific