Architectural Engineering Design

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Architectural Engineering Design

    1.A. GENERAL

    This publication includes two Æ (architectural engineering) handbooks,

    this one dealing with the design of mechanical systems and related

    components, the other doing the same with structural systems. Each volume

    also contains an interactive CD-ROM of its algebraic formulas that

    enables each equation to be solved quickly and accurately by computer.

    These handbooks and their accompanying disks contain architectural

    engineering information and algebraic equations for conceptualizing,

    selecting, and sizing virtually every functional component in any kind

    of building, from shed to skyscraper, anywhere in the world. With these references,

    an Æ designer can quickly determine whether a functional component

    is large enough to be safe for its intended purpose, yet not so large

    that money is wasted. Certainly these volume-cum-disks are thorough compilations

    of technical knowledge acquired from academic study, official

    research, and established office practice. But they also contain countless

    practical, insightful, and even a few horrifying anecdotes gleaned from

    construction experiences, water-cooler dissertations, trade magazine edifications,

    and numerous other in-the-field events as they relate to our

    species’ ongoing need for safe and comfortable shelter.

    These publications also emphasize the latest computerized controls

    being incorporated into every functional aspect of today’s buildings.

    Today’s Æ designers cannot claim to be up with the times if they do not

    understand TBM systems. This includes the incredible production and

    energy savings they can bring, the problems they create, and the solutions

    today’s engineers are evolving to eliminate the latter.

    These volumes also stress that a vital aspect of any functional component’s

    design involves adequate access for maintaining it after construction;


    it can be said that no matter how good any part is, it

    always fails eventually. Architects may think, and rightfully so, that maintenance

    is not their problem; but accessing maintenance is no one else’s

    problem. More than ever before, occupants of modern buildings are prisoners

    of maintenance; and today’s Æ designers should be an ally to these


  • musafer
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