Analytical Modelling of Structural Systems

an entirely new approach with emphasis on the behaviour of building structures lAIN A. MACLEOD, Professor of Structural Engineering, University of Strathclyde
This book presents a new approach to what it is necessary to know about structural analysis. In the past the problem of obtaining solutions to mathematical models was a major obstacle and when doing hand analysis it was necessary to fully understand all the steps in the processing ofthe solution. Now the processing is done with ease on computers and the problem area has shifted to such questions as 'What element and what element mesh should I use?', 'How can I better understand how a structure behaves?' and 'How do I validate the computer results that have been produced?'. Teaching of structural analysis has been slow to react to this change in emphasis and this book is probably the first of a new genre of texts on the subject.
It considers material and element models, highlighting the validity of assumptions, and presents a discussion of structural system models that will help designers to create good finite element models of structural systems and to test the validity of the solutions obtained.