Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics

This volume contains the proceedings from an international workshop on the analysis of concrete structures
by fracture mechanics. The workshop was dedicated to Professor Arne Hillerborg in recognition of his
many outstanding contributions to this field. The workshop was organized by RILEM Technical Committee
90-FMA Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures—Applications.
In addition to the presentations and discussions during the workshop, as summarized by the authors, the
volume also contains some papers contributed by colleagues and friends of Arne Hillerborg.
We would like to thank Arne Hillerborg and the other authors for their cooperation, the staff at the
Division of Structural Engineering at Luleå University of Technology for the practical arrangements of the
workshop, and the personnel at Chapman and Hall for the publication of this volume.
L.Elfgren, S.P.Shah
Luleå and Evanston
February 1990