Analysis of Composite Structures

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Analysis of Composite Structures


    The aim of this book is to present the basis for calculation of composite

    structures, using continuum mechanics equations which enable the more elaborate

    theories to be treated.

    The first part is devoted to study of materials constituting the layers of laminated

    composites. The constitutive equations for anisotropic and in particular orthotropic

    materials are presented, with temperature and hygrometry effects taken into account.

    Next the basic laws of mixtures are given, which enable the behaviour of

    unidirectional layers to be predicted from the characteristics of their fibres and

    matrix components.

    The subject of the second part is multi-layer plates. We begin by presenting the

    general equations of thin plates in Kirchhoff-Love analysis. Later, symmetrical

    orthotropic plates are studied in detail for cases of bending, vibration and buckling.

    The thermo-elastic behaviour of multi-layers plates is considered separately. Then

    we tackle symmetric orthotropic moderately thick plates, using Reissner-Mindlin

    type analysis. Examples of asymmetrical plates in Kirchhoff-Love theory are

    analysed in detail. The cylindrical bending of laminated composites is treated in

    both Kirchhoff-Love and Reissner-Mindlin type analysis, with bending, vibration

    and buckling applications.

    The third part of this book is devoted to beams. The first chapter of this part

    treats tension-compression loading. The following chapter treats bending with

    transverse shear deformations not taken in account. The last chapter of this part

    presents bending taking into account transverse shear. Examples of bending,

    vibration and buckling are considered for each case.

    In the appendices, plate equations are developed by integrating local equations of

    motion. Global equations are obtained from variational formulae of continuum



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