An introduction to meshfree methods and their programming

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    An introduction to meshfree methods and their programming


    The book is written for senior university students, graduate students,

    researchers, professionals in engineering and science. Readers of this book can be any one from a beginner student to a professional researcher as well as engineers who are interested in learning and applying MFree methods to solve their problems. Knowledge of the finite element method is not required but it would help in the understanding and comprehension of many

    concepts and procedures of MFree methods. Basic knowledge of solids

    mechanics would also be helpful. The codes provided for practise might be

    the most effective way to learn the basics of MFree methods.


    The authors’ work in the area of meshfree methods discussed in this book

    has been profoundly influenced by the works by Prof. T. Belytschko, Prof. S. N. Atluri, and others. Without their significant contributions in this area, this book would not exist.

    Many of our colleagues and students have supported and contributed to the writing of this book. The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to all of them. Special thanks to X. Liu, Y.L. Wu, K.Y. Dai, L. Yan,

    G.Y. Zhang, etc. Many of them have contributed examples to this book in

    addition to their hard work in carrying out a number of pro

    jects related to

    meshfree methods at the Centre for Advanced Computations in Engineering

    Science (ACES). Special thanks also go to Y. Liu, Bernard Kee, Jerry Quek, etc. for readin

    g the drafts of this thick volume and providing very useful

    editorial comments.

    The authors are grateful to Professor Gladwell for editing the manuscript;

    his constructive comments and suggestions improved readability of the book.

    Finally, the authors would also like to thank A*STAR, Singapore, and the National University of Singapore for their partial financial sponsorship in some of the research projects undertaken by the authors and their teams

    related to the topic of this book.

    G.R. Liu

    Y.T. Gu


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