Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis

This is a book, written by the famous late Russian engineer and educator
Vsevolod I.Feodosiev, who formed the tradition of stress and stability analysis
for generations of engineers and researchers working in those …elds, where the
Soviet Union accomplished the greatest technological breakthrough of the
20th century – a race into space.
Prof. Feodosiev continued the best tradition of the Russian engineering
school with his innovative and unique concepts based on deep penetration
into the mechanical and practical nature of problems. Four times revised and
republished in Russia and translated into some languages, the book became
a classical desk text for training of top mechanical specialists. Written with
a great pedagogical skill, it gives to the reader a fresh and original outlook
on analysis of some advanced engineering problems.
The research and educational work of Prof. V.I. Feodosiev was carried
out in the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), where he
studied and worked for over 50 years. For a long time Prof. V.I. Feodosiev
was head of the Space Missile Engineering Department.
His outstanding ability, extraordinary memory and diligence revealed itself
quite early. Feodosiev’s …nal student pro ject was quali…ed as a PhD thesis.
He was awarded his DSc degree for research in application of ‡exible shells
in machines when he was 27 years old.
For 50 years Prof. Feodosiev delivered in BMSTU his course of lectures
on strength of materials. His textbook of the course, republished more than
ten times, became the basic book on the subject for top Russian technical
univer sities and was awarded the St ate Prize. V.I. Feodosiev was awarded
also the Lenin Prize (the main scienti…c award in the Soviet Union) for his
contribution into fundamental tree-volume monograph ”Strength Analysis in
Mechanical Engineering”.
The fundamentals of strength and reliability in aero-space engineering
were published in his monographs: ”Elastic Elements of Precision Engineering”,
”Strength Analysis of High-Loaded Parts of Jet Engines”, ”Introduction
into Missile Engineering”.
Deep insight into engineering problems, clearness of concepts and elegance
of solutions enhanced by undoubted pedagogical talent are the main features
of Feodosiev’s style.