Worked examples for the design of concrete stractures to eurocode 2

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  • Saadedin
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    Worked examples for the design of concrete stractures to eurocode 2

    The purpose of this book is to demonstrate how to apply the recommendations of Eurocode 2, and other related standards, for a number of reinforced concrete structures. The examples have been chosen to include different structural elements and design procedures. The calculations cover the analysis of the structure and the design of the members.

    Each step of the calculations, which are presented in a form suitable for design office purposes, is explained. References to specific clauses in the codes and standards that affect the design are included at each stage. For each structural element, a complete reinforcement detail is provided together with a commentary explaining the bar arrangement.

    Chapter 1 is an introduction to the structural Eurocodes and explains how partial safety factors and action combination factors are incorporated in the design. The significance of the action combination to be used, when considering the cracking limitations for watertightness in tanks, is also examined.

    Chapter 2 summarises the design of members with regard to durability, fire resistance, axial force, bending, shear, torsion, deflection,

    cracking and other considerations that affect the design details. It refers particularly to the design information given in Appendix A and in Reynolds’s Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook.

    The first two examples deal with the design of a multistorey framed building.



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