SAP2000 Detailed Tutorial Including Pushover Analysis

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    SAP2000 Detailed Tutorial Including Pushover Analysis

    This tutorial is quite detailed. It is intended to introduce and demonstrate many of the capabilites of SAP2000. Because we are trying to demonstrate as many different capabilities as reasonable, the example problem is not necessarily created and the results are not necessarily reviewed in the most efficient and expedient manner. Often with computer programs, what is efficient for one person may not be the best method for the next person. It is assumed that once introduced to the SAP2000 capabilities and methods in this tutorial, users will decide which methods work best for them in their particular circumstances. Following is an outline of this tutorial (see the Table of Contents for a more complete outline):
    A. Introduction
    B. Description of Building Model
    C. Tutorial Part 1 – Creating and Analyzing the Basic Model
    D. Tutorial Part 2 – Pushover Analysis
    E. Discussion of Additional Pushover Cases


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