برنامج لمراقبة والتقاط صورة لجزء معين من الشاشة لمعرفة ما يقوم بعمله المستخدمين الأخرين وأي حركة على سطح المكتب ويدعم شاشات متعددة بنفس الوقت
Screen Item Detector is a helpful utility that can scan your desktop at regular intervals and detect the presence of a picture that has been selected beforehand. It can provide multiple types of notifications and offers several customization options, but it features an outdated UI and lacks documentation. It is often necessary to monitor content that is displayed on your screen, whether you wish to keep track of other users’ activities or log your own usage habits
Screen Item Detector is a helpful utility that can scan your desktop at regular intervals and detect the presence of a picture that has been selected beforehand. It can provide multiple types of notifications and offers several customization options, but it features an outdated UI and lacks documentation. It is often necessary to monitor content that is displayed on your screen, whether you wish to keep track of other users’ activities or log your own usage habits