Practitioners Guide to Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures

In September 2000, fib Commission 4 established a task group (TG4.4) with the objective of preparing a report for guiding design engineers in the safe use of computer-based analysis procedures for design of reinforced concrete structures. The working party that first met in Berlin 2001 brought together a group of highly regarded researchers from Europe, the Americas, East Asia and Australasia with the objective of producing a document for use by engineers with some background in numerical modelling. In the six years since work started on this report, advanced models have continued to be developed; however, this report is not about picking one model over another but, rather, how designers can use existing and future models as tools in design practice, in benchmarking of their models against established and reliable test data and in selecting an appropriate safety factor as well as recognising various pitfalls.
Title: Practitioners guide to finite element modelling of reinforced concrete structures: State-of-art report
Author: Federation internationale du beton. Task Group 4.4, federation internationale du beton
Year: 2008
Publisher: FIB - Fed. Int. du Beton
Pages: 349
Format: PDF