Plasticity Theory

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    Plasticity Theory



    Revised Edition (PDF)

    Jacob Lubliner

    University of California at Berkeley


    When I first began to plan this book, I thought that I would begin the preface

    with the words “The purpose of this little book is...” While I never lost my

    belief that small is beautiful, I discovered that it is impossible to put together

    a treatment of a field as vast as plasticity theory between the covers of a

    truly “little” book and still hope that it will be reasonably comprehensive.

    I have long felt that a modern book on the subject — one that would be

    useful as a primary reference and, more importantly, as a textbook in a graduate

    course (such as the one that my colleague Jim Kelly and I have been

    teaching) — should incorporate modern treatments of constitutive theory

    (including thermodynamics and internal variables), large-deformation plasticity,

    and dynamic plasticity. By no coincidence, it is precisely these topics

    — rather than the traditional study of elastic-plastic boundary-value problems,

    slip-line theory and limit analysis — that have been the subject of

    my own research in plasticity theory. I also feel that a basic treatment of

    plasticity theory should contain at least introductions to the physical foundations

    of plasticity (and not only that of metals) and to numerical methods

    — subjects in which I am not an expert.

    I found it quite frustrating that no book in print came even close to

    adequately covering all these topics. Out of necessity, I began to prepare

    class notes to supplement readings from various available sources. With

    the aid of contemporary word-processing technology, the class notes came

    to resemble book chapters, prompting some students and colleagues to ask,

    “Why don’t you write a book?” It was these queries that gave me the

    idea of composing a “little” book that would discuss both the topics that

    are omitted from most extant books and, for the sake of completeness, the

    conventional topics as well.

    Almost two years have passed, and some 1.2 megabytes of disk space have

    been filled, resulting in over 400 pages of print. Naively perhaps, I still hope

    that the reader approaches this overgrown volume as though it were a little

    book: it must not be expected, despite my efforts to make it comprehensive,

    to be exhaustive, especially in the sections dealing with applications; I have

    preferred to discuss just enough problems to highlight various facets of any

    topic. Some oft-treated topics, such as rotating disks, are not touched at

    all, nor are such general areas of current interest as micromechanics (except

    on the elementary, qualitative level of dislocation theory), damage mechanics

    (except for a presentation of the general framework of internal-variable

    modeling), or fracture mechanics. I had to stop somewhere, didn’t I?

    The book is organized in eight chapters, covering major subject areas;

    the chapters are divided into sections, and the sections into topical subsections.

    Almost every section is followed by a number of exercises. The order

    of presentation of the areas is somewhat arbitrary. It is based on the order in

    which I have chosen to teach the field, and may easily be criticized by those

    partial to a different order. It may seem awkward, for example, that constitutive

    theory, both elastic and inelastic, is introduced in Chapter 1 (which

    is a general introduction to continuum thermomechanics), interrupted for a

    survey of the physics of plasticity as given in Chapter 2, and returned to with

    specific attention to viscoplasticity and (finally!) rate-independent plasticity

    in Chapter 3; this chapter contains the theory of yield criteria, flow rules,

    and hardening rules, as well as uniqueness theorems, extremum and variational

    principles, and limit-analysis and shakedown theorems. I believe that

    the book’s structure and style are sufficiently loose to permit some juggling

    of the material; to continue the example, the material of Chapter 2 may be

    taken up at some other point, if at all.

    The book may also be criticized for devoting too many pages to concepts

    of physics and constitutive theory that are far more general than the

    conventional constitutive models that are actually used in the chapters presenting

    applications. My defense against such criticisms is this: I believe

    that the physics of plasticity and constitutive modeling are in themselves

    highly interesting topics on which a great deal of contemporary research is

    done, and which deserve to be introduced for their own sake even if their

    applicability to the solution of problems (except by means of high-powered

    numerical methods) is limited by their complexity.

    Another criticism that may, with some justification, be leveled is that

    the general formulation of continuum mechanics, valid for large as well as

    small deformations and rotations, is presented as a separate topic in Chapter

    8, at the end of the book rather than at the beginning. It would indeed

    be more elegant to begin with the most general presentation and then to

    specialize. The choice I finally made was motivated by two factors. One is

    that most of the theory and applications that form the bulk of the book can

    be expressed quite adequately within the small-deformation framework. The

    other factor is pedagogical: it appears to me, on the basis of long experience,

    that most students feel overwhelmed if the new concepts appearing in largedeformation

    continuum mechanics were thrown at them too soon.

    Much of the material of Chapter 1 — including the mathematical fundamentals,

    in particular tensor algebra and analysis — would normally be

    covered in a basic course in continuum mechanics at the advanced under-

    graduate or first-year graduate level of a North American university. I have

    included it in order to make the book more or less self-contained, and while

    I might have relegated this material to an appendix (as many authors have

    done), I chose to put it at the beginning, if only in order to establish a consistent

    set of notations at the outset. For more sophisticated students, this

    material may serve the purpose of review, and they may well study Section

    8.1 along with Sections 1.2 and 1.3, and Section 8.2 along with Sections 1.4

    and 1.5.

    The core of the book, consisting of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, is devoted to

    classical quasi-static problems of rate-independent plasticity theory. Chapter

    4 contains a selection of problems in contained plastic deformation (or elasticplastic

    problems) for which analytical solutions have been found: some elementary

    problems, and those of torsion, the thick-walled sphere and cylinder,

    and bending. The last section, 4.5, is an introduction to numerical methods

    (although the underlying concepts of discretization are already introduced

    in Chapter 1). For the sake of completeness, numerical methods for both

    viscoplastic and (rate-independent) plastic solids are discussed, since numerical

    schemes based on viscoplasticity have been found effective in solving

    elastic-plastic problems. Those who are already familiar with the material

    of Sections 8.1 and 8.2 may study Section 8.3, which deals with numerical

    methods in large-deformation plasticity, immediately following Section 4.5.

    Chapters 5 and 6 deal with problems in plastic flow and collapse. Chapter

    5 contains some theory and some “exact” solutions: Section 5.1 covers

    the general theory of plane plastic flow and some of its applications, and

    Section 5.2 the general theory of plates and the collapse of axisymmetrically

    loaded circular plates. Section 5.3 deals with plastic buckling; its placement

    in this chapter may well be considered arbitrary, but it seems appropriate,

    since buckling may be regarded as another form of collapse. Chapter 6 contains

    applications of limit analysis to plane problems (including those of soil

    mechanics), beams and framed structures, and plates and shells.

    Chapter 7 is an introduction to dynamic plasticity. It deals both with

    problems in the dynamic loading of elastic–perfectly plastic structures treated

    by an extension of limit analysis, and with wave-propagation problems, onedimensional

    (with the significance of rate dependence explicitly discussed)

    and three-dimensional. The content of Chapter 8 has already been mentioned.

    As the knowledgeable reader may see from the foregoing survey, a coherent

    course may be built in various ways by putting together selected portions

    of the book. Any recommendation on my part would only betray my own

    prejudices, and therefore I will refrain from making one. My hope is that

    those whose orientation and interests are different from mine will nonetheless

    find this would-be “little book” useful.

    In shaping the book I was greatly helped by comments from some out-

    standing mechanicians who took the trouble to read the book in draft form,

    and to whom I owe a debt of thanks: Lallit Anand (M. I. T.), Satya Atluri

    (Georgia Tech), Maciej Bieniek (Columbia), Michael Ortiz (Brown), and

    Gerald Wempner (Georgia Tech).

    An immeasurable amount of help, as well as most of the inspiration to

    write the book, came from my students, current and past. There are too

    many to cite by name — may they forgive me — but I cannot leave out Vassilis

    Panoskaltsis, who was especially helpful in the writing of the sections

    on numerical methods (including some sample computations) and who suggested

    useful improvements throughout the book, even the correct spelling

    of the classical Greek verb from which the word “plasticity” is derived.

    Finally, I wish to acknowledge Barbara Zeiders, whose thoroughly professional

    copy editing helped unify the book’s style, and Rachel Lerner

    and Harry Sices, whose meticulous proofreading found some needles in the

    haystack that might have stung the unwary. Needless to say, the ultimate

    responsibility for any remaining lapses is no one’s but mine.

    A note on cross-referencing: any reference to a number such as 3.2.1,

    without parentheses, is to a subsection; with parentheses, such as (4.3.4), it

    is to an equation.

    Addendum: Revised Edition

    Despite the proofreaders’ efforts and mine, the printed edition remained

    plagued with numerous errors. In the fifteen years that have passed I have

    managed to find lots of them, perhaps most if not all. I have also found it

    necessary to redo all the figures. The result is this revised edition.



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