Global Structural Analysis of Buildings

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Global Structural Analysis of Buildings

    Global Structural Analysis of
    Karoly A.Zalka


    A shift in emphasis can be seen in the approach to structural design. More often

    structures are looked at ‘globally’, as whole structural units, rather than a group of

    individual elements. The investigation of this global behaviour, also described as

    ‘holistic’ or ‘whole building’ behaviour has been made possible by new theoretical

    achievements and the spectacular advance in computer technology during the last


    The global structural analysis of buildings can be carried out following two routes.

    First, sophisticated and complex computer packages based on the finite element method

    offer endless facilities and can handle even huge structures with a great number of

    elements. Second, analytical methods can also deal with whole structures leading to

    simple closed-form solutions, with the additional benefit of providing fast checking

    facilities for the computer-based methods.

    This book follows the latter route and, after describing and solving the complex

    theoretical problems of bracing systems covering many practical cases, intends to

    achieve the following three objectives:

    - To present simple procedures and closed-form formulae which make it possible for

    the practising structural engineer to carry out a general structural analysis of the

    bracing system of building structures in minutes.

    - To show that the main areas of structural design (stability, stress and frequency

    analyses) are not independent; indeed they can be linked by the global critical load

    ratio which can be used to achieve optimum structural solutions with high

    performance and adequate safety.

    - To help to understand global behaviour better and to develop structural engineering

    common sense through the introduction of the most representative stiffness

    characteristics for the stability, stress and frequency analyses.
