Elasticity theory applications and numerics 2e

This second edition continues the author’s attempt to present linear elasticity with sound,
concise theoretical development, numerous and contemporary applications, and enlightening
numerics to aid in understanding solutions. In addition to making corrections to typographical
errors, several new items have been included. Perhaps the most significant addition is a new
chapter on nonhomogeneous elasticity, a topic rarely found in existing elasticity texts. Over the
past couple of decades, this field has attracted considerable attention, with engineering interest
in the use of functionally graded materials. The new Chapter 14 contains basic theoretical
formulations and several application problems that have recently appeared in the literature.
A new appendix covering a review of mechanics of materials has also been added, which
should help make the text more self-contained by allowing students to review appropriate
undergraduate material as needed.

This second edition continues the author’s attempt to present linear elasticity with sound,
concise theoretical development, numerous and contemporary applications, and enlightening
numerics to aid in understanding solutions. In addition to making corrections to typographical
errors, several new items have been included. Perhaps the most significant addition is a new
chapter on nonhomogeneous elasticity, a topic rarely found in existing elasticity texts. Over the
past couple of decades, this field has attracted considerable attention, with engineering interest
in the use of functionally graded materials. The new Chapter 14 contains basic theoretical
formulations and several application problems that have recently appeared in the literature.
A new appendix covering a review of mechanics of materials has also been added, which
should help make the text more self-contained by allowing students to review appropriate
undergraduate material as needed.