Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems

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  • Saadedin
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    Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems

    Design Sensitivity Analysis

    of Structural Systems

    This is Volume 177 in



    A Series of Monographs and Textbooks

    Edited by WILLIAM F. AMES,

    Georgia Institute of Technology

    The complete listing of books in this series is available from the Publisher

    upon request.


    Structural design sensitivity analysis concerns the relationship between

    design variables available to the engineer and structural response or state

    variables that are determined by the laws of mechanics. The dependence of

    structural response measures such as displacement, stress, natural frequency,

    and buckling load on design variables such as truss member crosssectional

    area, plate thickness, and component shape is implicitly defined through the state equations

    ofstructural mechanics. Attention is restricted in

    this text to linear structural mechanics; i.e., to structures whose governing

    equations (matrix, ordinary differential, or partial differential) are linear in

    the state variables, once the design variable is fixed. Since design variables

    appear in the coefficients oflinear operators, however, the state equations

    are nonlinear as functions of state anddesign. The mathematical challenge is

    to treat the nonlinear problem ofdesign sensitivity analysis with methods

    that take advantage of mathematical properties ofthe linear (for fixed design)

    state operators.A substantial literature on the technical aspects

    ofstructural design sensitivity analysis exists. Some is devoted directly to the subject,

    but most is imbedded in papers devoted to structural optimization. The premise

    ofthis text is that a comprehensive theory ofstructural design sensitivity analysis

    for linear elastic structures can be treated in a unified way. The objective of

    the text is to provide a complete treatment of the theory and numerical

    methods of structural design sensitivity analysis. The theory supports optimality

    criteria methods ofstructural optimization and serves as the foundation for iterative methods

    ofstructural optimization. One ofthe most common

    methods ofstructural design involves decisions made by the designer,

    based on experience and intuition. This conventional mode of structural

    design can be substantially enhanced ifthe designer is provided with design

    sensitivity information that explains what the influence ofdesign changes

    will be, without requiring trial and error.

    The advanced state ofthe art offinite element structural analysis provides

    a reliable tool for evaluation ofstructural designs. In its present form, however,

    it is used to identify technical problems, but it gives the designer little

    help in identifying ways to modify the design to avoid problems or improve

    desired qualities. Using design-sensitivity information that can be generated

    by methods that exploit the finite-element formulation, the designer can

    carry out systematic trade-offanalysis and improve the design. The numerical

    efficiency of finite-element-based design sensitivity analysis and the

    emergence ofinteractive graphics technology and CAD systems are factors

    that suggest the time is right for interactive computer-aided design ofstructures,

    using design sensitivity information and any of a variety of modem

    optimization methods. It is encouraging to note that as ofSeptember 1983, the

    MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation introduced one ofthe design sensitivity

    analysis methods presented in Chapter 1in NASTRANfinite element

    code. It is hoped that this represents a trend that will be followed by other

    codes. In addition to developing design sensitivity formulas and numerical

    methods, the authors have attempted to present a unified and relatively

    complete mathematical theory ofstructural design sensitivity analysis. Recent

    developments in functional analysis and linear operator theory provide

    a foundation for rigorous mathematical analysis ofthe problem. Inaddition

    to fulfilling one's instincts to be accurate, complete, and pure of heart, the

    mathematical theory provides valuable insights and some surprisingly practical

    results. The mathematical theory shows that positive definiteness (actually

    strong ellipticity) of the operators of structural mechanics for stable

    elastic structures is the property that provides most ofthe theoretical results

    and makes numerical methods work. In the case of repeated eigenvalues,

    which are now known to arise systematically in optimized designs,

    the theory shows that repeated eigenvalues are not generally differentiable with respect

    to design, but are only directionally differentiable. Erroneous results that

    have appeared in the literature under the assumption ofdifferentiability can

    now be corrected. Since such pathological problems and dangers lurk in

    broad classes ofoptimum structures, it is hoped that the mathematical tools

    presented in this text will help in constructing truly optimum structures that

    do not have mathematically induced flaws.

    The authors have attempted to write this text to meet the needs ofboth the

    engineer who is interested in applications and the mathematician and theoretically

    inclined engineer who are interested in the mathematical subtleties

    ofthe subject. Toaccomplish this objective, each chapterhas been written to



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