Design Oriented Analysis of Structures - A Unified Approach

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  • Saadedin
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    Design Oriented Analysis of Structures - A Unified Approach


    Volume 95

    Series Editor: G.M.L. GLADWELL

    Department of Civil Engineering

    University of Waterloo

    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3GI

    Aims and Scope of the Series

    The fundamental questions arising in mechanics are: Why?, How?, and How much?

    The aim of this series is to provide lucid accounts written by authoritative researchers

    giving vision and insight in answering these questions on the subject of mechanics as it

    relates to solids.

    The scope of the series covers the entire spectrum of solid mechanics. Thus it includes

    the foundation of mechanics; variational formulations; computational mechanics;

    statics, kinematics and dynamics of rigid and elastic bodies: vibrations of solids and

    structures; dynamical systems and chaos; the theories of elasticity, plasticity and

    viscoelasticity; composite materials; rods, beams, shells and membranes; structural

    control and stability; soils, rocks and geomechanics; fracture; tribology; experimental

    mechanics; biomechanics and machine design.

    The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student. Some texts are monographs

    defining the current state of the field; others are accessible to final year under-

    graduates; but essentially the emphasis is on readability and clarity.


    Analysis of Structures

    A Unified Approach




    Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

    Department of Civil Engineering

    TECHNION – Israel Institute of Technology

    Haifa, Israel


    This book was developed while I was teaching graduate courses on analysis, design and

    optimization of structures, in the United States, Europe and Israel. Structural analysis is

    a main part of any design problem, and the analysis often must be repeated many times

    during the design process. Much work has been done on design-oriented analysis of

    structures recently and many studies have been published. The purpose of the book is

    to collect together selected topics of this literature and to present them in a unified

    approach. It meets the need for a general text covering the basic concepts and methods

    as well as recent developments in this area. This should prove useful to students,

    researchers, consultants and practicing engineers involved in analysis and design of

    structures. Previous books on structural analysis do not cover most of the material

    presented in the book.

    The book deals with the problem of multiple repeated analyses (reanalysis) of

    structures that is common to numerous analysis and design tasks. Reanalysis is needed

    in many areas such as structural optimization, analysis of damaged structures, nonlinear

    analysis, probabilistic analysis, controlled structures, smart structures and adaptive

    structures. It is related to a wide range of applications in such fields as Aerospace

    Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.

    In a typical structural design process, the analysis must be repeated numerous times

    due to changes in the size of elements, the material properties, the geometry of the

    structure (coordinates of joints), the topology (number and orientation of elements and

    joints) and support conditions. The high computational cost involved in repeated

    analyses is one of the main obstacles in the solution of structural optimization problems,

    and only methods that do not involve many time consuming analyses are useful. In

    structural damage analysis, it is necessary to analyze the structure for various changes.

    It is difficult to determine a priori what damage scenarios should be checked, and

    numerous analyses are required to evaluate various hypothetical scenarios. In nonlinear

    analysis the set of updated linear equations must be solved repeatedly many times

    during the solution process.

    Design-oriented analysis is intended for efficient and accurate repeated analyses of

    structures. The book introduces effective computational procedures for reanalysis. The

    necessary background material on structural analysis needed in the rest of the book is

    summarized in the first two chapters. However, the reader is expected to be familiar

    with the basic concepts of matrix analysis of structures. Various analysis models are

    considered in the book, including linear and nonlinear analysis, eigenproblems and

    design sensitivity analysis. The text does not present a survey on reanalysis methods.

    Rather, part 1 concentrates on various concepts and methods that form the basis of the

    unified approach presented in part 2. To clarify the presentation, many illustrative

    examples and numerical results are demonstrated. No specific system of units is used in

    the examples, However, in some examples actual dimensions of the structure and

    specified magnitude of forces have been used.

    In part 1 (Chapters 1–6) t he basic concepts of design-oriented analysis are introduced

    and various reanalysis methods are developed. In part 2 (Chapters 7–12) the concepts

    and the methods presented in part 1 are integrated into a unified approach for effective

    reanalysis of structures. Recent developments and applications in this area are discussed

    in this part of the book. Some sections of the book are necessary for continuity, while

    others are needed only for those interested in greater depth in a particular topic. Many

    sections are independent and can be omitted, or their order can be changed.

    The approach presented in the book is suitable for a wide range of applications. It

    combines several advantages in terms of generality, ease-of implementation, flexibility,

    efficiency and accuracy. The approach is suitable for various types of changes in the

    structure and different types of structures. The solution procedure uses the stiffness

    analysis formulation and it can be integrated into available finite element programs.

    Calculation of derivatives is not required, and the approach is most attractive in cases

    where derivatives are not readily available or not easy to calculate. The accuracy of the

    results, and the efficiency of the calculations can be controlled by the level of

    simplification and the amount of information considered. Highly accurate results can be

    achieved at the expense of more computational effort by considering high-order

    approximations. On the other hand, very efficient solutions can be obtained by

    simplified low-order approximations. In certain cases exact solutions can be achieved

    with a small computational effort.

    Chapter 1 presents introductory material on analysis and reanalysis of structures.

    Various types of changes in the structure are discussed, including changes in the

    structural model itself, and the scope of the text is described.

    In Chapter 2 some background material on analysis of structures is introduced.

    Linear elastic analysis, analysis of continuum structures, nonlinear analysis and

    dynamic analysis are briefly described.

    Chapter 3 deals with the statement of reanalysis problems. Formulations of linear,

    nonlinear and eigenproblem reanalysis are presented and various direct as well as

    approximate reanalysis methods are reviewed.

    Direct methods, giving exact closed-form solutions, are presented in Chapter 4.

    These methods are efficient in situations where a relatively small proportion of the

    structure is changed (e.g., changes in cross sections of only a small number elements).

    Chapter 5 presents the most simple and most efficient local approximations. These

    include the common Taylor series, the binomial series, simplified first-order

    approximations and improved series approximations.

    In Chapter 6 we describe global approximations such as polynomial-fitting

    techniques, the response surface approach, reduced basis methods and the conjugate

    gradient method. These approximations are usually obtained by analyzing the structure

    at a number of design points, and they are valid for large changes in the structure.

    Chapter 7 presents the combined approximations approach. The basic concepts of

    combining various methods into a unified solution approach are introduced. The

    advantage is that the efficiency of local approximations and the improved accuracy of

    global approximations are combined to obtain effective solution procedures. Some

    typical cases, where exact or accurate solutions can be achieved, are developed.

    Chapter 8 describes simplified solution procedures that can be derived from the

    general approach. The various procedures include approximate and most efficient

    techniques as well as direct methods that provide exact solutions. We can view some

    conventional approximations and direct methods as particular cases of the general

    approach presented.

    In Chapter 9 we discuss reanalysis for topological and geometrical changes.

    Developing reanalysis methods for such changes is most challenging, since the

    structural model itself is changed. Both approximate and exact solutions are

    demonstrated for various cases of deletion and addition of elements and joints, as well

    as changes in the joint coordinates. Solution procedures are developed for the most

    challenging problem where the number of degrees of freedom is changed.

    In Chapter 10 we develop procedures for calculating the response derivatives with

    respect to design variables for designs where results of exact analysis are not available.

    Accurate derivatives can be obtained for such designs with a reduced computational


    Nonlinear reanalysis is discussed in Chapter 11. The unified approach presented is

    most suitable for solving efficiently the updated linear equations in such problems.

    Vibration reanalysis by the unified approach is developed in Chapter 12. Solutions

    are demonstrated for problems of eigenvector reanalysis, where we evaluate the mode

    shapes, and eigenvalue reanalysis, where we calculate the eigenvalues.


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