برنامج لقص أو مسح أي جزء من الصورة مثل الشعارات او الكتابات او الحقوق دون أن تترك أثر وبدون تشويه الصورة
InPixio Photo Clip – the digital cutting tool – allows you to cut out any details, people, objects or even scenery from your photos and remove distracting details. Putting you back in control of your digital images. You can also use these removed objects in other images to create photomontages or collages. Allowing you to create impressive photomontages! The interactive assistant and tutorials will guide you enhancing all your photos
InPixio Photo Clip – the digital cutting tool – allows you to cut out any details, people, objects or even scenery from your photos and remove distracting details. Putting you back in control of your digital images. You can also use these removed objects in other images to create photomontages or collages. Allowing you to create impressive photomontages! The interactive assistant and tutorials will guide you enhancing all your photos