Design of Liquid - Containing Concrete Structures for Earthquake force

This publication contains comprehensive information on the design and detailing requirements for concrete tanks subjected to earthquake forces. The earthquake forces are computed in accordance with a variety of codes, including the 2000 International Building Code. Requirements of ACI 350.3/350.3R-01, Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary, are also explained and illustrated with worked-out design examples for rectangular and circular tanks. Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. General
3. Earthquake Design Loads
4. Modeling and Analysis
5. Design of Components
6. Detailing
7. Example 1 - Rectangular Tank
8. Example 2 - Circular Tank
Product Details
Paperback: 54 pages
Publisher: Portland Cement Association (2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 089312219X
ISBN-13: 978-0893122195