Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures

Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
by Steven H. Kosmatka, Beatrix Kerkhoff, and William C. Panarese
KEYWORDS: admixtures, aggregates, air-entrained concrete, batching, cement, cold weather, curing, durability, fibers,
finishing, high-performance concrete, hot weather, mixing, mixing water, mixture proportioning, placing, portland cement
concrete, properties, special concrete, standards, supplementary cementing materials, tests, and volume changes.
ABSTRACT: This book presents the properties of concrete as needed in concrete construction, including strength and
durability. All concrete ingredients (cementing materials, water, aggregates, admixtures, and fibers) are reviewed for their
optimal use in designing and proportioning concrete mixtures. Applicable ASTM, AASHTO, and ACI standards are
referred to extensively. The use of concrete from design to batching, mixing, transporting, placing, consolidating, finishing,
and curing is addressed. Special concretes, including high-performance concretes, are also reviewed.
REFERENCE: Kosmatka, Steven H.; Kerkhoff, Beatrix; and Panarese, William C.; Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures,
EB001, 14th edition, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 2003.
The authors of this engineering bulletin are:
Steven H. Kosmatka, Managing Director, Research and Technical Services, PCA
Beatrix Kerkhoff, Civil Engineer, Product Standards and Technology, PCA
William C. Panarese, former Manager, Construction Information Services, PCA
Cover photos show ready mixed concrete being elevated by bucket and
crane to the 39th floor of a high-rise building in Chicago. (69991, 70015)

Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
by Steven H. Kosmatka, Beatrix Kerkhoff, and William C. Panarese
KEYWORDS: admixtures, aggregates, air-entrained concrete, batching, cement, cold weather, curing, durability, fibers,
finishing, high-performance concrete, hot weather, mixing, mixing water, mixture proportioning, placing, portland cement
concrete, properties, special concrete, standards, supplementary cementing materials, tests, and volume changes.
ABSTRACT: This book presents the properties of concrete as needed in concrete construction, including strength and
durability. All concrete ingredients (cementing materials, water, aggregates, admixtures, and fibers) are reviewed for their
optimal use in designing and proportioning concrete mixtures. Applicable ASTM, AASHTO, and ACI standards are
referred to extensively. The use of concrete from design to batching, mixing, transporting, placing, consolidating, finishing,
and curing is addressed. Special concretes, including high-performance concretes, are also reviewed.
REFERENCE: Kosmatka, Steven H.; Kerkhoff, Beatrix; and Panarese, William C.; Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures,
EB001, 14th edition, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 2003.
The authors of this engineering bulletin are:
Steven H. Kosmatka, Managing Director, Research and Technical Services, PCA
Beatrix Kerkhoff, Civil Engineer, Product Standards and Technology, PCA
William C. Panarese, former Manager, Construction Information Services, PCA
Cover photos show ready mixed concrete being elevated by bucket and
crane to the 39th floor of a high-rise building in Chicago. (69991, 70015)