Decoding EUROCODE 7

Decoding Eurocode 7
14 Design of anchorages 14.1 Ground investigation for anchorages 14.2 Design situations and limit states 14.3 Basis of design 14.4 Anchorage tests 14.5 Pull-out resistance from tests 14.6 Pull-out resistance by calculation 14.7 Summary of key points 14.8 Worked example 14.9 Notes and references
15 Execution of geotechnical works 15.1 The work of CEN TC 288 15.2 Piles 15.3 Walls and steep slopes 15.4 Ground improvement 15.5 Future developments 15.6 Summary of key points 15.7 Notes and references
16 Geotechnical reports 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Geotechnical investigation and testing reports 16.3 Ground Investigation Report 16.4 Geotechnical Design Report 16.5 Comparison with existing practice 16.6 Who writes what? 16.7 Summary of key points 16.8 Notes and references
Epilogue Reaction to the Eurocodes Dissemination Looking ahead Conclusion
Appendix 1: Slope stability design charts Appendix 2: Earth pressure coefficients Appendix 3: Notes on the worked example