Damper Design Guidelines

Revision 0: July, 2001
Trevor E Kelly, S.E.
Holmes Consulting Group
The information contained in these Design Guidelines has been prepared by Holmes Consulting
Group Limited (Holmes) as standard Design Guidelines and all due care and attention has been taken in the preparation of the information therein. The particular requirements of a project may require amendments or modifications to the Design Guidelines.
Neither Holmes nor any of its agents, employees or directors are responsible in contract or tort or in any other way for any inaccuracy in, omission from or defect contained in the Design Guidelines and any person using the Design Guidelines waives any right that may arise now or in the future against Holmes or any of its agents, employees or directors.
Holmes Group has been involved in the design and supply of base isolation systems for almost 20 years. This is one form of passive protection for earthquake loads. The other form of passive protection, in-structure damping and energy dissipation, has not been developed or implemented to the same extent as base isolation but has applications where isolation is not suitable. This is a potential growth area for the provision of structural engineering services for earthquake damage mitigation. To date, we have implemented energy dissipation on one structure, a frame building at the University of Canterbury was strengthened using yielding brace dampers by the Christchurch office. We have investigated supplemental damping for a number of other structures but have been hampered by a lack of design information. We have a program underway to extend our capabilities in base isolation and performance based design to incorporate this technology with two aims: 1. To provide damping hardware, through our associated companies, Holmes Devices (which has developed an improved yielding brace damper) and Holmes Composites (which provides Fyfe Co. visco-elastic dampers). 2. To establish Holmes Consulting Group and Holmes Culley as recognized experts in providing design
services, analysis services and documentation for projects incorporating in-structure damping and energy dissipation. The methodology we are following to achieve these aims requires that we:
1. Become familiar with the latest developments in the technology.
2. Refine our analysis procedures as required to be able to implement promising types of device.
3. Develop design procedures so that we can implement the devices in projects.
4. Provide marketing support to the devices we intend to supply.
The intention is to develop these Design Guidelines into a comprehensive resource containing the full methodology described in the task list above. This will be a continuing process and so revisions to this document will be issued as progress is made.

Revision 0: July, 2001
Trevor E Kelly, S.E.
Holmes Consulting Group
The information contained in these Design Guidelines has been prepared by Holmes Consulting
Group Limited (Holmes) as standard Design Guidelines and all due care and attention has been taken in the preparation of the information therein. The particular requirements of a project may require amendments or modifications to the Design Guidelines.
Neither Holmes nor any of its agents, employees or directors are responsible in contract or tort or in any other way for any inaccuracy in, omission from or defect contained in the Design Guidelines and any person using the Design Guidelines waives any right that may arise now or in the future against Holmes or any of its agents, employees or directors.
Holmes Group has been involved in the design and supply of base isolation systems for almost 20 years. This is one form of passive protection for earthquake loads. The other form of passive protection, in-structure damping and energy dissipation, has not been developed or implemented to the same extent as base isolation but has applications where isolation is not suitable. This is a potential growth area for the provision of structural engineering services for earthquake damage mitigation. To date, we have implemented energy dissipation on one structure, a frame building at the University of Canterbury was strengthened using yielding brace dampers by the Christchurch office. We have investigated supplemental damping for a number of other structures but have been hampered by a lack of design information. We have a program underway to extend our capabilities in base isolation and performance based design to incorporate this technology with two aims: 1. To provide damping hardware, through our associated companies, Holmes Devices (which has developed an improved yielding brace damper) and Holmes Composites (which provides Fyfe Co. visco-elastic dampers). 2. To establish Holmes Consulting Group and Holmes Culley as recognized experts in providing design
services, analysis services and documentation for projects incorporating in-structure damping and energy dissipation. The methodology we are following to achieve these aims requires that we:
1. Become familiar with the latest developments in the technology.
2. Refine our analysis procedures as required to be able to implement promising types of device.
3. Develop design procedures so that we can implement the devices in projects.
4. Provide marketing support to the devices we intend to supply.
The intention is to develop these Design Guidelines into a comprehensive resource containing the full methodology described in the task list above. This will be a continuing process and so revisions to this document will be issued as progress is made.