Concrete design to EN1992

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Concrete design to EN1992

    Concrete design to EN1992


    This book conforms with the latest recommendations for the design of reinforced

    and prestressed concrete structures as described in Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete

    Structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. References to relevant

    clauses of the Code are given where appropriate.

    Where necessary the process of design has been aided by the production of

    design charts.

    Whilst it has not been assumed that the reader has a knowledge of structural

    design, a knowledge of structural mechanics and stress analysis is a prerequisite. The

    book contains detailed explanations of the principles underlying concrete design and

    provides references to research where appropriate.

    The text should prove useful to students reading for engineering degrees at

    University especially for design projects. It will also aid designers who require an

    introduction to the new EuroCode.

    For those familiar with current practice, the major changes are:

    (1) Calculations may be more extensive and complex.

    (2) Design values of steel stresses are increased.

    (3) High strength concrete is encompassed by the Eurocode by modifications to the

    flexural stress block.

    (4) There is no component from the concrete when designing shear links for beams.

    This is not the case for slabs where there is a concrete component.

    (5) Bond resistance is more complex.

    (6) Calculations for column design are more complicated.

    (7) For fire performance, the distance from the exposed face to the centroid of the

    bar (axis distance) is specified rather than the cover.

    NOTE: As this text has been produced before the availability of the National Annex

    which will amend, if felt appropriate, any Nationally Determined Parameters, the

    recommended values of such parameters have been used. The one exception is

    the value of the coefficient

    allowing for long term effects has been taken as 0,85

    (the traditional UK value) rather than the recommended value of 1,0.cc



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