Concrete Beams with Openings - Analysis and Design

Only book available on transverse openings in concrete beams
Rules and guidelines for helping architects and engineers of new structures in the proper planning of building services to create compact, economical, and safe design
Indispensable information for designers, engineers, researchers, and consultants of concrete structures
This book compiles state-of-the-art information on the behavior, analysis, and design of concrete beams containing transverse openings.
Discussions include
the need, effects, and classification of openings as well as the general requirements for fulfilling design
pure bending, combined bending, and shear - illustrated with numerical examples
torsion alone or in combination with bending and shear
large rectangular openings as well as opening size and location on beam behavior
methods for analyzing ultimate strength and serviceability requirements
effects of torsion in beams
large openings in continuous beams and their effects on possible redistribution of internal forces as well as guidelines and procedures for the design of such beams
effect of prestressing on the serviceability and strength of beams with web openings
design against cracking at openings and ultimate loads
Concrete Beams with Openings serves as an invaluable source of information for designers and practicing engineers, especially useful since little or no provision or guidelines are currently available in most building codes.